Hooqu - Unit Tests for Data

Hooqu is a library built on top of Pandas dataframes for defining “unit tests for data”, which measure data quality datasets. Hooqu is a “spiritual” Python port of Apache Deequ and is currently in an experimental state. I am happy to receive feedback and contributions.

Hooqu’s purpose is to “unit-test” data to find errors early, before the data gets fed to consuming systems or machine learning algorithms. Note that “unit test” refers to the fact that the quality of the data is being tested rather than to the software practice of unit testing. Hooqu is meant to be used as run-time check done during a data processing/ingestion step.

Most applications that work with data have implicit assumptions about that data, e.g. that attributes have certain types, do not contain NULL values, and so on.

If these assumptions are violated, your application or machine learning algorithm might crash or produce wrong outputs.

The idea behind Hooqu is to explicitly state these assumptions in the form of a “unit-test” for data, which can be verified on a piece of data at hand. If the data has errors, we can “quarantine” and fix it, before we feed to an application or machine learning algorithm.

Usage Example

In the following, we will walk you through a toy example to showcase the most basic usage of our library. Hooqu works on tabular data, e.g., CSV files, database tables, logs, flattened json files, basically anything that you can fit into a Pandas dataframe. For this example, we assume that we work on some kind of Item data, where every item has an id, a productName, a description, a priority and a count of how often it has been viewed. Let’s generate a toy example with few records:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
           (1, "Thingy A", "awesome thing.", "high", 0),
           (2, "Thingy B", "available at http://thingb.com", None, 0),
           (3, None, None, "low", 5),
           (4, "Thingy D", "checkout https://thingd.ca", "low", 10),
           (5, "Thingy E", None, "high", 12),
       columns=["id", "productName", "description", "priority", "numViews"]

The main entry point for defining how you expect your data to look is the VerificationSuite from which you can add Checks that define constraints on attributes of the data. In this example, we test for the following properties of our data:

  • there are 5 rows in total

  • values of the id attribute are never Null/None and unique

  • values of the productName attribute are never null/None

  • the priority attribute can only contain “high” or “low” as value

  • numViews should not contain negative values

  • at least half of the values in description should contain a url

  • the median of numViews should be less than or equal to 10

In code this looks as follows:

from hooqu.checks import Check, CheckLevel, CheckStatus
from hooqu.verification_suite import VerificationSuite
from hooqu.constraints import ConstraintStatus

verification_result = (
          Check(CheckLevel.ERROR, "Basic Check")
          .has_size(lambda sz: sz == 5)  # we expect 5 rows
          .is_complete("id")  # should never be None/Null
          .is_unique("id")  # should not contain duplicates
          .is_complete("productName")  # should never be None/Null
          .is_contained_in("priority", ("high", "low"))
           # at least half of the descriptions should contain a url
          .contains_url("description", lambda d: d >= 0.5)
          # half of the items should have less than 10 views
          .has_quantile("numViews", 0.5, lambda v: v <= 10)

After calling run, hooqu will compute some metrics on the data. Afterwards it invokes your assertion functions (e.g., lambda sz: sz == 5 for the size check) on these metrics to see if the constraints hold on the data. We can inspect the VerificationResult to see if the test found errors:

if verification_result.status == CheckStatus.SUCCESS:
      print("Alles klar: The data passed the test, everything is fine!")
      print("We found errors in the data")

for check_result in verification_result.check_results.values():
      for cr in check_result.constraint_results:
          if cr.status != ConstraintStatus.SUCCESS:
              print(f"{cr.constraint}: {cr.message}")

If we run the example, we get the following output:

We found errors in the data
CompletenessConstraint(Completeness(productName)): Value 0.8 does not meet the constraint requirement.
PatternMatchConstraint(containsURL(description)): Value 0.4 does not meet the constraint requirement.

The test found that our assumptions are violated! Only 4 out of 5 (80%) of the values of the productName attribute are non-null and only 2 out of 5 (40%) values of the description attribute contained a url. Fortunately, we ran a test and found the errors, somebody should immediately fix the data :)

API Reference

If you are looking for information on a specific function, class or method, this part of the documentation is for you.

Indices and tables